ESA's Annual Report Details Its Piracy Prevention Adventures


They do things otherwise in Mexico.

The Entertainment Software Association's Annual Report for 2012 is out, and it discusses the issue on every developer and newspaper publisher's mind: piracy. The ESA has been vigorous in its efforts to combat piracy, and it's been sending out website squelcher notices left and right with pregnant successes. The ESA also wants the human race to know about major enforcement actions in the US, Canada and elsewhere, so that we might see what happens to those WHO contravene.

In the United States and Canada, it's fairly quotidian clobber. Some dude in California, say, starts selling pirated Xbox titles on Craigslist, so the police pull in. Most of the busts stay at the local anaesthetic PD steady, with the elision of a distich retailers in California WHO managed to get on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's radar. In Canada it's untold the like, with the perpetrators usually receiving a year Oregon cardinal's probation and a fine. In neither jurisdiction are there more than VI cases listed, and near of the inactive have piddling amounts of tech and goods in hand. The Craigslist fella, for instance, had 20 pirated games and 9 modded consoles when LA County Sheriff's Department took him down. Dillinger He was non.

Cross the border into Mexico – where prices for legal software and computer hardware are about 40-60% much than in America – and things get interesting. "[In July] PGR agents, supported past 300 members of the Mexican Army and nation police force," the paper claims, "undertook a big enforcement sweep against sellers of counterfeit goods in the San Juan First State Dios and La Fayuca marketplaces in Guadalajara, including 80 outlets that ESA's local counsel identified through and through prior investigations." That sail through netted 194,000 pirated games and a similar number of blank discs. A March sweep in Mexico City, with 200 police officers, 8 locksmiths and ESA's local counsel – possibly channelling his central Hemingway – in towage, took impossible 17,194 pirated games and 107 disc burners. A mistakable story is told in Brazil and Singapore, jurisdictions where either prices are artificially high, or piracy is more more acceptable.

The ESA way business when it comes to piracy; but it's clear that, for the ESA, clientele means different things in different jurisdictions.

Source: ESA 2012 Theme


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