Cant Get Big Wigs to Upload to Addons Wow Vanilla


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BigWigs is a World of Warcraft AddOn to predict certain AI behaviour to improve the players performance.<br > This Modification is build for Patch 1.12.1 and its content for utilize on the Classic-WoW/Nefarian private Server.


Creative Commons License
BigWigs Classic-WoW by Dorann is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike four.0 International License.

The adjustments were originally fabricated past LYQ.<br > Adjustments for Classic-WoW made by Dorann.<br > Delight refer to this repository for more data.


Download the latest Release here

How to install

a) If yous choose to download the .nil file from the latest Release all y'all have to practice is extract the archive in your /World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/ directory. (Recommended)
b) If you download the raw code from GitHub (Download Nothing) you'll accept to unzip the downloaded archive and rename the binder from 'BigWigs-master' to 'BigWigs' and place information technology in your /World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/ directory. (Not recommended)

Included AddOns/Plugins

The following Plugins are used for the boss modules.

  • Bars modified by Dorann
    Shows Confined for important events during a Boss Fight. Added a backport of emphasized bars. Bars that begin at 15s or less or Confined that have less than 10s left movement to the emphasized group which can be placed separatly and increases the size of the Bar.
  • BossBlock
    Blocks letters from dominate mods in the raid chat and raid warning frame.
  • Messages
    Shows messages for important events.
  • Proximity made by Dorann
    Backport of the Proximity plugin. Shows you which raid members are in close proximity to yourself (C'Thun stage 1). Since at that place are just range checks for 9.9y, 11.11y and 26y the list should be taken with a grain of salt and should not be absolutly relied upon.
  • RaidIcon
    Puts a Raid Icon (Skull by default) over the head of a raid member
  • Range
    Allows you to set the range of the combat log to increase the precision of BigWigs. Using the highest possible setting by Default.
  • Audio modified by Dorann
    Plays a sound on important events.
  • Test
    Allows you to Exam BigWigs and move the Plugins (Confined, Messages) around.
  • Tranq
    Support for Tranquilizing Shot to see which Hunter used information technology.
  • WarningSign fabricated by LYQ, modified past Dorann
    Displays important SpellIcons in the heart of your screen. Eg. if you're standing in Rain of Burn at Gehennas or if you're a Hunter and Magmadar/Flamegor/Chromaggus is Frenzied and you need to Tranq.

Several other BigWigs Plugins are included in this repository, then you lot only demand to download and employ the 'BigWigs' folder from this repository. If yous happen to take any of the listed AddOns seperately I propose removing or disabling them - in case I adjusted some of those in this repository as well.

  • CustomBar
    Allows you to create a custom bar with the following command: /bwcb
  • Version modified by Dorann
    Checks your BigWigs version and warns you if at that place is a newer version bachelor.
  • BigWigs_CommonAuras
    Keeps track of certain Buffs and Cooldowns eg. Shield Wall and Challenging Shout
  • BigWigs_ZombieFood modified by LYQ
    announces if a player is getting dazed
  • BigWigs_LoathebTactical modified by Dorann
    Spore and Consumable warnings for Loatheb
  • BigWigs_RespawnTimers (NEEDS REWORK)
    Trash respawn timers
  • BossRecords fabricated past LYQ
    This Plugin will keep record of your time used in bossfights and compare it to your fastest.
  • RaidOfficer made by LYQ
    This Plugin will enable for Raid Administration dragging Players of one Raid-subgroup to some other. This was on vanilla previously but enabled for RaidLeaders but the API allows Assistants to do and so too.
  • DousedRunes fabricated by Dorann
    Shows you which runes in Molten Core have been doused and which still take to be doused to summon Majordomus. The Frame volition exist shown later on a Rune has been doused and afterward a boss has been killed (offset at Magmadar).
  • AFKick fabricated by Dorann
    Allows you to send a request to automatically logout a raid fellow member. If the player does not react within 20 seconds a normal Logout will exist triggered. If the logout did not work the client will exist closed after another 20 seconds.
  • AutoReply made by Dorann
    Whenever someone whispers yous during an meet you will automatically ship a response that y'all are decorated. Y'all will also send another message as presently equally the fight is over.
  • Farclip made by Dorann
    If your viewing distance (farclip) is set to high in Naxxramas you volition experience frequent screen freezes for several second. As a workaround this plugin sets your viewing distance to the minimum in Naxxramas and restores your erstwhile value whenever you leave Naxxramas.

To change the settings of BigWigs and its plugins you have several possibilities:

  • Command Line By writing the command "/bwcl" (autograph for Big Wigs Command Line) you tin access the command line. Yous will get a listing of all available commands to help you find your desired setting.
  • Minimap Icon By rightclicking on the minimap Icon (or if you lot are using FuBar rightclicking the Icon on your FuBar) you tin can admission the menu with all bachelor settings.
  • GUI By writing the command "/bw" or "/BigWigs" into the chatframe you can access a automatically generated GUI for all settings.

Raid Adjustments

If yous want to browse through all the changes and their condition regarding each encounter in the Raid specific README files. On there y'all tin can also see whether changes are untested, working perfectly or working as good as they can be.

  • (MC) Molten Core
  • (ONY) Onyxia
  • (BWL) Blackwing Lair
  • (ZG) Zul'Gurub
  • (AQ20) Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
  • (AQ40) Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
  • (NAXX) Naxxramas

Core/General Adjustments

  • (100%) Reworked the core module and most boss modules to improve the maintainability (meet Provided API).
  • (100%) Engage Syncs are at present working perfectly on every run across and do permit communication betwixt clients of dissimilar language packs.
  • (100%) Bosskill Syncs were added for every meet dynamically and practice also support communication of different language packs.
  • (100%) BossWipe Syncs were remodelled and added dynamically for every encounter.
  • (100%) KTM compatibility - Bossmodules are now able to prepare the MasterTarget, reset the Threat or Clear the Chief Target. RaidOfficers do need to have this version for that.

Provided API

This is a (incomplete) documentation of the BigWigs API. This is only of import for developers. Also refer to the modulePrototype overview and the bossTemplate for an example implementation.


:DelayedSync(delay, sync)
:ThrottleSync(throttle, sync)

:Bulletin(text[, priority[, noRaidSay[, sound[, broadcastOnly]]]])
tabular array :DelayedMessage(delay, text[, priority[, noRaidSay[, sound[, broadcastOnly]]]])
:Whisper(text, proper name)

:Bar(text, time, icon[, otherColor, c1[, c2[, c3[, c4[, c5[, c6[, c7[, c8[, c9[, c10]]]]]]]]]])
:IrregularBar(text, minTime, maxTime, icon[, otherColor, c1[, c2[, c3[, c4[, c5[, c6[, c7[, c8[, c9[, c10]]]]]]]]]])
table :DelayedBar(delay, text, time, icon[, otherColor, c1[, c2[, c3[, c4[, c5[, c6[, c7[, c8[, c9[, c10]]]]]]]]]])

table :DelayedSound(delay, audio[, id])
:CancelDelayedSound(audio[, id])

:Icon(proper noun[, iconnumber])

:WarningSign(texturePath, elapsing[, force])
:RemoveWarningSign(texturePath[, forceHide])
:DelayedWarningSign(delay, icon, elapsing[, id])
:CancelDelayedWarningSign(icon[, id])

-- KLHThreatMeter
:KTM_SetTarget(targetName[, forceReset])

:Bar(text, length, icon, otherColor, ...)

Starts a timer bar that counts downward for the specified length of time. If the length argument is table with the keys "min" and "max" a irregular bar will exist created.


  • text string
    The text to show on the bar.
  • length number/tabular array
    The length of the bar in seconds or a table with the keys min and max (will create a irregular bar)
  • icon cord
    What icon to show on the bar.
  • otherColor boolean
    Optional, if not specified, the configured colors volition be used. If specified, you must provide 1 to 10 colors to use as arguments after otherColor.
  • ... color
    Optional, if otherColor is specified, you must provide ane to 10 colors.
### Returns Nothing


"Interface\\Icons\\" is automatically pre-pended to the icon path. If you have to show a bar with an icon that is not part of the default icons provided by WoW, this is still possible using the self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", ...) syntax.


self:Bar("Adds incoming!", xxx, "Spell_Nature_Web")
cocky:Bar("Testing Colors!", 60, "Spell_Nature_Web", true, "red", "yellow", "green")
cocky:Bar("More adds incoming!", { min: xx, max: 25 }, "Spell_Nature_Web")

:Icon(proper name, iconnumber)

Puts the specified raid icon on the specified player, only works if you are promoted in the raid or the raid leader.


  • name string
    The proper name of the player you want to put an icon on.
  • iconnumber number
    Optional, if non specified, the configured default raid icon will exist used. If specified, this raid icon will be used. ane: Yellow Star, 2: Orange Circle, three: Purple Diamond, 4: Green Triangle, v: White Moon, 6: Blue Square, 7: Red Cantankerous, 8: Skull




If you use CheckForBossDeath or CheckForWipe (used by default) the icon is removed automatically. If not, you should clear it yourself.


cocky:Icon("Dorann") -- puts a skull on Dorann
cocky:Icon("Dorann", two) -- puts an orange circle on Dorann

:Message(text, priority, noRaidSay, sound, broadcastOnly)

Displays a bulletin in the configured message frame (defaults to BigWigs' own message frame) with the color configured for the given priority.


  • text string
    The message to prove.
  • priority string
    Optional, one of "Important" (red), "Personal" (crimson), "Urgent" (orangish), "Attention" (xanthous), "Positive" (green), "Bosskill" (green) or "Cadre" (cyan).
  • noRaidSay boolean
    Optional, if this is non-null, the message will non be relayed to raid warning channel, even if that option is enabled.
  • sound string or boolean
    Optional, if this is a string, information technology must be a valid sound name (see :Sound). If 'true' is passed, the default "RaidWarning" sound provided by WoW will be played.
  • broadcastOnly boolean
    Optional, if this is provided, the message will only exist broadcasted to the raid warning channel (if that option is enabled), and not shown locally.
### Returns Zilch.


You should most e'er provide a priority - if not, the message volition be white. Remember that you should Not surround the text with "***".
Likewise note that priority can be a RGB tuple, like {r=ane.0,g=0,b=0}, and too just a color name ("Cerise", "Purple", "Orangish", "Yellow", "Green", "Cyan").


cocky:Bulletin("Fear in 2sec!", "Important")
cocky:Message("Yous have the plague", "Personal", true, "Info")

:DelayedMessage(delay, ...)

This will schedule a delayed message to exist printed after filibuster seconds.


  • delay number
    The number of seconds to await before printing the message.
  • ...
    The residuum of the arguments are exactly like the ones for :Message.


The scheduled outcome ID, which is useful if you may want to cancel the scheduled message later.


self:DelayedMessage(55, "Something happens in 5sec!", "Important")

local x = self:DelayedMessage(55, "Something happens in 5sec!", "Important") -- And so, a chip later, the boss enters phase 2, and y'all no langer want this message to display
-- or meliorate


Sends a communication sync to the other BigWigs users in the group.


  • sync string
    The synchronization token to transport to the other people in your group. Note that these tokens are recieved past all the BigWigs modules, so yous should brand sure you choice something unique.
### Returns Nothing.


The tokens we apply are typically prefixed past some portion of the boss name, like "HyakissWeb". When sending a sync, if you want to send more data (this will be provided by the second argument to :BigWigs_RecvSync, detailed after), you have to utilize string concatenation; "HyakissWeb" .. playerName (which would bekome "HyakissWeb MyToon"). Note that synchronization throttling is washed only on the outset office, not the additional information you include in the sync. Of course, sync messages are sent using SendAddonMessage, and as such in that location are some restrictions inherited. Take a look at Wowpedia for more information.


self:Sync("BossAbility") self:Sync("BossTargettedAbility " .. role player)

Module Image

The post-obit functions and variables are available on each boss module. Also refer to the modulePrototype overview and the bossTemplate for an instance implementation.

-- Core: Module Handling --

void BigWigs:ModuleDeclaration(bossName, zoneName)
void BigWigs:RegisterModule(name, module)
void BigWigs:EnableModule(moduleName, nosync)
void BigWigs:SetupModule(moduleName)
void BigWigs:DisableModule(moduleName)

-- event handler
void BigWigs:BigWigs_RebootModule(moduleName)

-- Functions and Variables --

-- do not override
BigWigs.modulePrototype.core = BigWigs
BigWigs.modulePrototype.debugFrame = ChatFrame1
BigWigs.modulePrototype.engaged = faux
BigWigs.modulePrototype.bossSync = cipher -- untranslated string
BigWigs.modulePrototype.zonename = nil -- AceLibrary("Blubbering-Zone-2.2")["Ahn'Qiraj"]

-- override
BigWigs.modulePrototype.revision = one -- To be overridden by the module!
BigWigs.modulePrototype.started = false -- non used anymore
BigWigs.modulePrototype.enabletrigger = nothing -- boss
BigWigs.modulePrototype.wipemobs = nada -- adds that will be considered in CheckForEngage
BigWigs.modulePrototype.toggleoptions = naught -- {"sweep", "sandblast", "scarab", -1, "sally", "submerge", -1, "berserk", "bosskill"}
BigWigs.modulePrototype.timers = {} -- table for all timers
BigWigs.modulePrototype.icons = {} -- table for all icons
BigWigs.modulePrototype.proximityCheck = nil -- office(unit of measurement) return CheckInteractDistance(unit, 2) end
BigWigs.modulePrototype.proximitySilent = nil -- false

-- do non override
boolean BigWigs.modulePrototype:IsBossModule()
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:DebugMessage(msg)
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:OnInitialize()

-- override (if necessary)
void BigWigs.modulePrototype.OnEnable()
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:OnEngage()
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:OnSetup()
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:OnDisengage()

-- do not override
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:Engage()
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:Undo()
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:Victory()
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:Disable()

-- synchronize functions, do not override
string BigWigs.modulePrototype:GetEngageSync()
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:SendEngageSync()

string BigWigs.modulePrototype:GetBossDeathSync()
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:SendBossDeathSync()

-- event handler, override only if necessary (east.thou. c'thun phase transition requires overriding CheckForWipe())
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:RegisterYellEngage(yell)

void BigWigs.modulePrototype:CheckForEngage()
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:CheckForWipe()
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:CheckForBossDeath(msg)

-- override
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:BigWigs_RecvSync(sync, residuum, nick)

-- exam office
void BigWigs.modulePrototype:Examination()


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